How are gun rights activists able to avoid accidentally being shot by police while openly carrying firearms in public places?

 “..How are gun rights activists able to avoid accidentally being shot by police while openly carrying firearms in public places”

Because despite what the media and Hollywood want you to believe Cops don’t see a firearm and immediately start shooting.

Police don’t see this:

and see a threat, shout ‘gun’ and do a mag-dump.

Police don’t see this:

shout ‘gun’ and do a mag-dump.

This, however, will get you ‘accidentally shot’ as you phrased it, by the police:

This will get you yelled at, a lot, by Police, and possibly shot too:

And depending on the context of the situation this will likely result in you getting shot too:

If you are familiar with firearms and the multitude of laws regarding them then you saw the pictures and understood exactly what was right and wrong about each.

If you are unfamiliar with firearms or get your knowledge about firearms from people who want to ban firearms then you have no idea why the last pictures are any different than the first two. And that is your homework assignment. Analyze the first two pictures and compare and contrast them to the last three. Why are the first two safe and what makes the last three dangerous? When you understand come back and share with the rest of the class and we can have a group discussion about your answers.


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